[2.0.21] النقاش حول الترقية للنسخة phpBB2.0.21 ..!!

الدعم الفني للمشاكل المتعلقة بمنتديات phpBB أي مشاكل النسخه الأصلية وليست مشاكل الهاكات أو الاستايلات وخلافه

المشرف: alhitary

قوانين المنتدى
فضلاً قبل وضع أي مشكلة تأكد من استخدام البحث ومن ثم ملء استمارة الدعم إذا لم تجد حلا لمشكلتك.
صورة العضو الرمزية
المشرف العام
المشرف العام
مشاركات: 7407
اشترك في: السبت مارس 26, 2005 6:12 am
مكان: phpBB Arabia

[2.0.21] ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? phpBB2.0.21 ..!!

مشاركةبواسطة Garebooo » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 12:43 am

?????? ?????? ???

???? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ..!!

?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? /


??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?????
آخر تعديل بواسطة Garebooo في السبت ديسمبر 23, 2006 11:51 pm، تم التعديل مرة واحدة.

مشاركات: 1939
اشترك في: الجمعة مايو 17, 2002 7:32 am
مكان: السعودية

مشاركةبواسطة AC » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 4:09 am

?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????:

لوكان الجهل رجلاً لقتلته

I Hate vBulletin

نِـثَـارٌ (مدونتي) | | وافــــر >> Wapher.Com || مُفيد.كوم >> MoFFed.Com

:idea: البريد والرسائل الخاصه لايعدان السبيل الامثل للدعم الفني :idea:

صورة العضو الرمزية
مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق
مشاركات: 894
اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 01, 2006 5:54 am

مشاركةبواسطة yoo-oufi » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 10:59 am

??? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????:arrow:

???? ??????? ??? ?????? 8)

?????? ??? ??? ??????? ????????:wink:

????? ???


مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق
مشاركات: 1528
اشترك في: السبت سبتمبر 24, 2005 3:35 pm
مكان: فلسطين

مشاركةبواسطة (SKAY) » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 1:01 pm

?????? ????? ????? ???? ???????
??? ????? ???? , ???? ??????? ?? ??? session ????? ?? :

كود: تحديد الكل

setcookie($cookiename . '_data', serialize($sessiondata), $current_time + 31536000, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure);
					setcookie($cookiename . '_sid', $session_id, 0, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure);
?????? ???? ??? , ????? ?? ?? ??????? ????? ????? , ??? ??? ???? ????? ?????? :

كود: تحديد الكل

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_clean() in /hsphere/local/home/fahad/skay.org/bb/includes/sessions.php on line 366
?????? 366 ?? ??? :

كود: تحديد الكل

?? ??? ?? ????? ???? ????? , ????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? , ???? ??? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ? ????? ?????? ????? :
?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ???? :
?? ???? ?????? ???? session :roll:
صورة البحث في مواضيع المنتدى خير وسيلة للمحافظة علي وقتكـ
صورة ضع رابط منتداكــ في توقيعك أو ملفكـ الشخصي لتحصل علي الدعم الفني

صورة العضو الرمزية
مهند قمرة
مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق
مشاركات: 4222
اشترك في: السبت أكتوبر 30, 2004 8:32 pm
مكان: مـصـر [ولي الفخر]

مشاركةبواسطة مهند قمرة » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 1:51 pm

??? ?????? SKAY

????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? [ }] ???? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????

???? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ?????

??????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??????

كود: تحديد الكل

	setcookie($cookiename . '_data', serialize($sessiondata), $current_time + 31536000, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure);
	setcookie($cookiename . '_sid', $session_id, 0, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure);

	$SID = 'sid=' . $session_id;

	return $userdata;
سأعود قريبا لعالمي في ارابيا :)

صورة العضو الرمزية
عبده أبو سير
عضو نشيط
عضو نشيط
مشاركات: 135
اشترك في: الخميس يونيو 24, 2004 12:41 pm

مشاركةبواسطة عبده أبو سير » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 2:10 pm

?????? ?????:

كود: تحديد الكل

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 




#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------

# Line 989
$code = strtoupper(str_replace('0', 'o', substr($code, 6)));


#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------


		$code = substr(str_replace('0', 'Z', strtoupper(base_convert($code, 16, 

35))), 2, 6);
?? ??? ??? ????? ??????.

???? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????:
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/phpb ... p?download

??? ??? ?????:
http://www.phpbb.com/files/releases/php ... -files.zip

??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ???.

??? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? AC ????? ??????.
????? ???? ???? // ?????? ????? ?????.
??? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?????.
التجمع الدولي لعلم الطيور ICA

the shadow
مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق
مشاركات: 763
اشترك في: الاثنين يونيو 20, 2005 8:30 pm
مكان: keyboard

مشاركةبواسطة the shadow » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 2:37 pm

?????? ??????

?? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????

???? ??? ???

??? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????

???? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ????


صورة العضو الرمزية
عبده أبو سير
عضو نشيط
عضو نشيط
مشاركات: 135
اشترك في: الخميس يونيو 24, 2004 12:41 pm

مشاركةبواسطة عبده أبو سير » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 2:50 pm

??? ?????? winrar ????? ???? ????? ?? phpbb.com
???? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ???????.

???? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????.

??? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? html ??? ????? ?????? ??????.

????? usercp_register.php

كود: تحديد الكل

 *                            usercp_register.php
 *                            -------------------
 *   begin                : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
 *   copyright            : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
 *   email                : support@phpbb.com
 *   $Id: usercp_register.php,v 2004/11/18 17:49:45 acydburn Exp $

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.


	This code has been modified from its original form by psoTFX @ phpbb.com
	Changes introduce the back-ported phpBB 2.2 visual confirmation code. 

	NOTE: Anyone using the modified code contained within this script MUST include
	a relevant message such as this in usercp_register.php ... failure to do so 
	will affect a breach of Section 2a of the GPL and our copyright

	png visual confirmation system : (c) phpBB Group, 2003 : All Rights Reserved


if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
	die("Hacking attempt");

$unhtml_specialchars_match = array('#>#', '#<#', '#"#', '#&#');
$unhtml_specialchars_replace = array('>', '<', '"', '&');

// ---------------------------------------
// Load agreement template since user has not yet
// agreed to registration conditions/coppa
function show_coppa()
	global $userdata, $template, $lang, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

		'body' => 'agreement.tpl')

		'REGISTRATION' => $lang['Registration'],
		'AGREEMENT' => $lang['Reg_agreement'],
		"AGREE_OVER_13" => $lang['Agree_over_13'],
		"AGREE_UNDER_13" => $lang['Agree_under_13'],
		'DO_NOT_AGREE' => $lang['Agree_not'],

		"U_AGREE_OVER13" => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=register&agreed=true"),
		"U_AGREE_UNDER13" => append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=register&agreed=true&coppa=true"))


// ---------------------------------------

$error = FALSE;$error_msg = '';
$page_title = ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? $lang['Edit_profile'] : $lang['Register'];

if ( $mode == 'register' && !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['agreed']) && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['agreed']) )
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx);


	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx);

$coppa = ( empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['coppa']) && empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['coppa']) ) ? 0 : TRUE;

// Check and initialize some variables if needed
if (
	isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit']) ||
	isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatargallery']) ||
	isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submitavatar']) ||
	isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancelavatar']) ||
	$mode == 'register' )
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_validate.'.$phpEx);
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.'.$phpEx);
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_post.'.$phpEx);

	if ( $mode == 'editprofile' )
		$user_id = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_id']);
		$current_email = trim(htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['current_email']));

	$strip_var_list = array('email' => 'email', 'icq' => 'icq', 'aim' => 'aim', 'msn' => 'msn', 'yim' => 'yim', 'website' => 'website', 'location' => 'location', 'occupation' => 'occupation', 'interests' => 'interests', 'info' => 'info', 'confirm_code' => 'confirm_code');

	// Strip all tags from data ... may p**s some people off, bah, strip_tags is
	// doing the job but can still break HTML output ... have no choice, have
	// to use htmlspecialchars ... be prepared to be moaned at.
	while( list($var, $param) = @each($strip_var_list) )
		if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) )
			$$var = trim(htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]));

$username = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']) ) ? phpbb_clean_username($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']) : '';
	$trim_var_list = array('cur_password' => 'cur_password', 'new_password' => 'new_password', 'password_confirm' => 'password_confirm', 'signature' => 'signature');

	while( list($var, $param) = @each($trim_var_list) )
		if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]) )
			$$var = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS[$param]);

 $signature = (isset($signature)) ? str_replace('<br />', "\n", $signature) : '';
	$signature_bbcode_uid = '';

	// Run some validation on the optional fields. These are pass-by-ref, so they'll be changed to
	// empty strings if they fail.
	validate_optional_fields($icq, $aim, $msn, $yim, $website, $location, $occupation, $interests, $signature);

	$viewemail = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['viewemail']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['viewemail']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : 0;
	$allowviewonline = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['hideonline']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['hideonline']) ? 0 : TRUE ) : TRUE;
	$notifyreply = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['notifyreply']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['notifyreply']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : 0;
	$notifypm = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['notifypm']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['notifypm']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : TRUE;
	$popup_pm = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['popup_pm']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['popup_pm']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : TRUE;

	if ( $mode == 'register' )
		$attachsig = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['attachsig']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['attachsig']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $board_config['allow_sig'];

		$allowhtml = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowhtml']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowhtml']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $board_config['allow_html'];
		$allowbbcode = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowbbcode']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowbbcode']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $board_config['allow_bbcode'];
		$allowsmilies = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $board_config['allow_smilies'];
		$attachsig = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['attachsig']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['attachsig']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $userdata['user_attachsig'];

		$allowhtml = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowhtml']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowhtml']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $userdata['user_allowhtml'];
		$allowbbcode = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowbbcode']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowbbcode']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $userdata['user_allowbbcode'];
		$allowsmilies = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['allowsmilies']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : $userdata['user_allowsmile'];

	$user_style = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['style']) ) ? intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['style']) : $board_config['default_style'];

	if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['language']) )
		if ( preg_match('/^[a-z_]+$/i', $HTTP_POST_VARS['language']) )
			$user_lang = htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['language']);
			$error = true;
			$error_msg = $lang['Fields_empty'];
		$user_lang = $board_config['default_lang'];

	$user_timezone = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['timezone']) ) ? doubleval($HTTP_POST_VARS['timezone']) : $board_config['board_timezone'];

 // FLAGHACK-start
	$user_flag = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['user_flag']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['user_flag'] : '' ;
$sql = "SELECT config_value
		WHERE config_name = 'default_dateformat'";
	if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
		message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not select default dateformat', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
	$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
	$board_config['default_dateformat'] = $row['config_value'];
	$user_dateformat = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['dateformat']) ) ? trim(htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['dateformat'])) : $board_config['default_dateformat'];

	$user_avatar_local = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarselect']) && !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['submitavatar']) && $board_config['allow_avatar_local'] ) ? htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarselect']) : ( ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarlocal'])  ) ? htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarlocal']) : '' );

 $user_avatar_category = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcatname']) && $board_config['allow_avatar_local'] ) ? htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcatname']) : '' ;	$user_avatar_remoteurl = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarremoteurl']) ) ? trim(htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarremoteurl'])) : '';
	$user_avatar_upload = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarurl']) ) ? trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarurl']) : ( ( $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'] != "none") ? $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'] : '' );
	$user_avatar_name = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['name']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['name'] : '';
	$user_avatar_size = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['size']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['size'] : 0;
	$user_avatar_filetype = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['type']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_FILES['avatar']['type'] : '';

	$user_avatar = ( empty($user_avatar_local) && $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? $userdata['user_avatar'] : ''; 
   $user_avatar_type = ( empty($user_avatar_local) && $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? $userdata['user_avatar_type'] : '';

	if ( (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatargallery']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submitavatar']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancelavatar'])) && (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit'])) )
		$username = stripslashes($username);
		$email = stripslashes($email);
		$cur_password = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($cur_password));
		$new_password = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($new_password));
		$password_confirm = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($password_confirm));

		$icq = stripslashes($icq);
		$aim = stripslashes($aim);
		$msn = stripslashes($msn);
		$yim = stripslashes($yim);

		$website = stripslashes($website);
		$location = stripslashes($location);
		$occupation = stripslashes($occupation);
		$interests = stripslashes($interests);

$info = stripslashes($info);
		$signature = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($signature));

		$user_lang = stripslashes($user_lang);
		$user_dateformat = stripslashes($user_dateformat);

		if ( !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancelavatar']))
			$user_avatar = $user_avatar_category . '/' . $user_avatar_local;
			$user_avatar_type = USER_AVATAR_GALLERY;

// Let's make sure the user isn't logged in while registering,
// and ensure that they were trying to register a second time
// (Prevents double registrations)
if ($mode == 'register' && ($userdata['session_logged_in'] || $username == $userdata['username']))
	message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Username_taken'], '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

// Did the user submit? In this case build a query to update the users profile in the DB
if ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit']) )
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/usercp_avatar.'.$phpEx);

	$passwd_sql = '';
	if ( $mode == 'editprofile' )
		if ( $user_id != $userdata['user_id'] )
			$error = TRUE;
			$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Wrong_Profile'];
	else if ( $mode == 'register' )
		if ( empty($username) || empty($new_password) || empty($password_confirm) || empty($email) )
			$error = TRUE;
			$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Fields_empty'];

	if ($board_config['enable_confirm'] && $mode == 'register')
		if (empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['confirm_id']))
			$error = TRUE;
			$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Confirm_code_wrong'];
			$confirm_id = htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['confirm_id']);
			if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $confirm_id))
				$confirm_id = '';
			$sql = 'SELECT code 
				WHERE confirm_id = '$confirm_id' 
					AND session_id = '" . $userdata['session_id'] . "'";
			if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql)))
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain confirmation code', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))

	if ($row['code'] != $confirm_code)
					$error = TRUE;
					$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Confirm_code_wrong'];
					$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . CONFIRM_TABLE . " 
						WHERE confirm_id = '$confirm_id' 
							AND session_id = '" . $userdata['session_id'] . "'";
					if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
						message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not delete confirmation code', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
				$error = TRUE;
				$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Confirm_code_wrong'];

	$passwd_sql = '';
	if ( !empty($new_password) && !empty($password_confirm) )
		if ( $new_password != $password_confirm )
			$error = TRUE;
			$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Password_mismatch'];
		else if ( strlen($new_password) > 32 )
			$error = TRUE;
			$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Password_long'];
			if ( $mode == 'editprofile' )
				$sql = "SELECT user_password
					FROM " . USERS_TABLE . "
					WHERE user_id = $user_id";
				if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
					message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain user_password information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

				$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

				if ( $row['user_password'] != md5($cur_password) )
					$error = TRUE;
					$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Current_password_mismatch'];

			if ( !$error )
				$new_password = md5($new_password);
				$passwd_sql = "user_password = '$new_password', ";
	else if ( ( empty($new_password) && !empty($password_confirm) ) || ( !empty($new_password) && empty($password_confirm) ) )
		$error = TRUE;
		$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Password_mismatch'];

	// Do a ban check on this email address
	if ( $email != $userdata['user_email'] || $mode == 'register' )
		$result = validate_email($email);
		if ( $result['error'] )
			$email = $userdata['user_email'];

			$error = TRUE;
			$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $result['error_msg'];

		if ( $mode == 'editprofile' )
			$sql = "SELECT user_password
				FROM " . USERS_TABLE . "
				WHERE user_id = $user_id";
			if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain user_password information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

			if ( $row['user_password'] != md5($cur_password) )
				$email = $userdata['user_email'];

				$error = TRUE;
				$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Current_password_mismatch'];

	$username_sql = '';
	if ( $board_config['allow_namechange'] || $mode == 'register' )
		if ( empty($username) )
			// Error is already triggered, since one field is empty.
			$error = TRUE;
		else if ( $username != $userdata['username'] || $mode == 'register' )
			if (strtolower($username) != strtolower($userdata['username']) || $mode == 'register')

				$result = validate_username($username);
				if ( $result['error'] )
					$error = TRUE;
					$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $result['error_msg'];

			if (!$error)
				$username_sql = "username = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $username) . "', ";

	if ( $signature != '' )
		if ( strlen($signature) > $board_config['max_sig_chars'] )
			$error = TRUE;
			$error_msg .= ( ( isset($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $lang['Signature_too_long'];

		if ( !isset($signature_bbcode_uid) || $signature_bbcode_uid == '' )
			$signature_bbcode_uid = ( $allowbbcode ) ? make_bbcode_uid() : '';
		$signature = prepare_message($signature, $allowhtml, $allowbbcode, $allowsmilies, $signature_bbcode_uid);

	if ( $website != '' )

	$avatar_sql = '';

	if ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatardel']) && $mode == 'editprofile' )
		$avatar_sql = user_avatar_delete($userdata['user_avatar_type'], $userdata['user_avatar']);

	if ( ( !empty($user_avatar_upload) || !empty($user_avatar_name) ) && $board_config['allow_avatar_upload'] )
		if ( !empty($user_avatar_upload) )
			$avatar_mode = (empty($user_avatar_name)) ? 'remote' : 'local';
			$avatar_sql = user_avatar_upload($mode, $avatar_mode, $userdata['user_avatar'], $userdata['user_avatar_type'], $error, $error_msg, $user_avatar_upload, $user_avatar_name, $user_avatar_size, $user_avatar_filetype);
		else if ( !empty($user_avatar_name) )
			$l_avatar_size = sprintf($lang['Avatar_filesize'], round($board_config['avatar_filesize'] / 1024));

			$error = true;
			$error_msg .= ( ( !empty($error_msg) ) ? '<br />' : '' ) . $l_avatar_size;
	else if ( $user_avatar_remoteurl != '' && $board_config['allow_avatar_remote'] )
		user_avatar_delete($userdata['user_avatar_type'], $userdata['user_avatar']);
		$avatar_sql = user_avatar_url($mode, $error, $error_msg, $user_avatar_remoteurl);
	else if ( $user_avatar_local != '' && $board_config['allow_avatar_local'] )
		user_avatar_delete($userdata['user_avatar_type'], $userdata['user_avatar']); 
      $avatar_sql = user_avatar_gallery($mode, $error, $error_msg, $user_avatar_local, $user_avatar_category);

	if ( !$error )
		if ( $avatar_sql == '' )
			$avatar_sql = ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? '' : "'', " . USER_AVATAR_NONE;

		if ( $mode == 'editprofile' )
			if ( $email != $userdata['user_email'] && $board_config['require_activation'] != USER_ACTIVATION_NONE && $userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN )
				$user_active = 0;

				$user_actkey = gen_rand_string(true);
				$key_len = 54 - ( strlen($server_url) );
				$key_len = ( $key_len > 6 ) ? $key_len : 6;
				$user_actkey = substr($user_actkey, 0, $key_len);

				if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] )
					session_end($userdata['session_id'], $userdata['user_id']);
				$user_active = 1;
				$user_actkey = '';

			$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "
				SET " . $username_sql . $passwd_sql . "user_email = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) ."', user_icq = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $icq) . "', user_website = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $website) . "', user_occ = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $occupation) . "', user_from = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $location) . "', user_from_flag = '$user_flag', user_interests = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $interests) . "', user_info = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $info) . "', user_sig = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $signature) . "', user_sig_bbcode_uid = '$signature_bbcode_uid', user_viewemail = $viewemail, user_aim = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", str_replace(' ', '+', $aim)) . "', user_yim = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $yim) . "', user_msnm = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $msn) . "', user_attachsig = $attachsig, user_allowsmile = $allowsmilies, user_allowhtml = $allowhtml, user_allowbbcode = $allowbbcode, user_allow_viewonline = $allowviewonline, user_notify = $notifyreply, user_notify_pm = $notifypm, user_popup_pm = $popup_pm, user_timezone = $user_timezone, user_dateformat = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_dateformat) . "', user_lang = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_lang) . "', user_style = $user_style, user_active = $user_active, user_actkey = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_actkey) . "'" . $avatar_sql . "
				WHERE user_id = $user_id";
			if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update users table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
       // We remove all stored login keys since the password has been updated
			// and change the current one (if applicable)
			if ( !empty($passwd_sql) )
				session_reset_keys($user_id, $user_ip);
			if ( !$user_active )
				// The users account has been deactivated, send them an email with a new activation key
				include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/emailer.'.$phpEx);
				$emailer = new emailer($board_config['smtp_delivery']);

				if ( $board_config['require_activation'] != USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN ) 
                $emailer->use_template('user_activate', stripslashes($user_lang)); 
                   'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename'], 
                   'USERNAME' => preg_replace($unhtml_specialchars_match, $unhtml_specialchars_replace, substr(str_replace("\'", "'", $username), 0, 25)), 
                   'EMAIL_SIG' => (!empty($board_config['board_email_sig'])) ? str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $board_config['board_email_sig']) : '', 
                   'U_ACTIVATE' => $server_url . '?mode=activate&' . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $user_id . '&act_key=' . $user_actkey) 
             else if ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN ) 
                $sql = 'SELECT user_email, user_lang 
                   FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' 
                   WHERE user_level = ' . ADMIN; 
                if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) 
                   message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not select Administrators', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 
                while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) 
                   $emailer->use_template("admin_activate", $row['user_lang']); 
                      'USERNAME' => preg_replace($unhtml_specialchars_match, $unhtml_specialchars_replace, substr(str_replace("\'", "'", $username), 0, 25)), 
                      'EMAIL_SIG' => str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $board_config['board_email_sig']), 
                      'U_ACTIVATE' => $server_url . '?mode=activate&' . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $user_id . '&act_key=' . $user_actkey) 

				$message = $lang['Profile_updated_inactive'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_index'],  '<a href="' . append_sid("index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
				$message = $lang['Profile_updated'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_index'],  '<a href="' . append_sid("index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');

				"META" => '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=' . append_sid("index.$phpEx") . '">')

			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
			$sql = "SELECT MAX(user_id) AS total
			if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain next user_id information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			if ( !($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain next user_id information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
			$user_id = $row['total'] + 1;

			// Get current date
			$sql = "INSERT INTO " . USERS_TABLE . "	(user_id, username, user_regdate, user_password, user_email, user_icq, user_website, user_occ, user_from,user_from_flag, user_interests, user_info, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_viewemail, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_attachsig, user_allowsmile, user_allowhtml, user_allowbbcode, user_allow_viewonline, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_popup_pm, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_lang, user_style, user_level, user_allow_pm, user_active, user_actkey)
				VALUES ($user_id, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $username) . "', " . time() . ", '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $new_password) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $email) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $icq) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $website) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $occupation) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $location) . "','$user_flag', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $interests) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $info) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $signature) . "', '$signature_bbcode_uid', $avatar_sql, $viewemail, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", str_replace(' ', '+', $aim)) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $yim) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $msn) . "', $attachsig, $allowsmilies, $allowhtml, $allowbbcode, $allowviewonline, $notifyreply, $notifypm, $popup_pm, $user_timezone, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_dateformat) . "', '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_lang) . "', $user_style, 0, 1, ";
			if ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_SELF || $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN || $coppa )
				$user_actkey = gen_rand_string(true);
				$key_len = 54 - (strlen($server_url));
				$key_len = ( $key_len > 6 ) ? $key_len : 6;
				$user_actkey = substr($user_actkey, 0, $key_len);
				$sql .= "0, '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user_actkey) . "')";
				$sql .= "1, '')";

			if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql, BEGIN_TRANSACTION)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert data into users table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			$sql = "INSERT INTO " . GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_name, group_description, group_single_user, group_moderator)
				VALUES ('', 'Personal User', 1, 0)";
			if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert data into groups table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			$group_id = $db->sql_nextid();

			$sql = "INSERT INTO " . USER_GROUP_TABLE . " (user_id, group_id, user_pending)
				VALUES ($user_id, $group_id, 0)";
			if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql, END_TRANSACTION)) )
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert data into user_group table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

			if ( $coppa )
				$message = $lang['COPPA'];
				$email_template = 'coppa_welcome_inactive';
			else if ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_SELF )
				$message = $lang['Account_inactive'];
				$email_template = 'user_welcome_inactive';
			else if ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN )
				$message = $lang['Account_inactive_admin'];
				$email_template = 'admin_welcome_inactive';
				$message = $lang['Account_added'];
				$email_template = 'user_welcome';

			include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/emailer.'.$phpEx);
			$emailer = new emailer($board_config['smtp_delivery']);


			$emailer->use_template($email_template, stripslashes($user_lang));
			$emailer->set_subject(sprintf($lang['Welcome_subject'], $board_config['sitename']));

			if( $coppa )
					'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename'],
					'WELCOME_MSG' => sprintf($lang['Welcome_subject'], $board_config['sitename']),
					'USERNAME' => preg_replace($unhtml_specialchars_match, $unhtml_specialchars_replace, substr(str_replace("\'", "'", $username), 0, 25)),
					'PASSWORD' => $password_confirm,
					'EMAIL_SIG' => str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $board_config['board_email_sig']),

					'FAX_INFO' => $board_config['coppa_fax'],
					'MAIL_INFO' => $board_config['coppa_mail'],
					'EMAIL_ADDRESS' => $email,
					'ICQ' => $icq,
					'AIM' => $aim,
					'YIM' => $yim,
					'MSN' => $msn,
					'WEB_SITE' => $website,
					'FROM' => $location,
					'OCC' => $occupation,
					'INTERESTS' => $interests,
					'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename']));
					'SITENAME' => $board_config['sitename'],
					'WELCOME_MSG' => sprintf($lang['Welcome_subject'], $board_config['sitename']),
					'USERNAME' => preg_replace($unhtml_specialchars_match, $unhtml_specialchars_replace, substr(str_replace("\'", "'", $username), 0, 25)),
					'PASSWORD' => $password_confirm,
					'EMAIL_SIG' => str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $board_config['board_email_sig']),

					'U_ACTIVATE' => $server_url . '?mode=activate&' . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $user_id . '&act_key=' . $user_actkey)


			if ( $board_config['require_activation'] == USER_ACTIVATION_ADMIN )
				$sql = "SELECT user_email, user_lang 
					FROM " . USERS_TABLE . "
					WHERE user_level = " . ADMIN;
				if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
					message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not select Administrators', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
				while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
					$emailer->use_template("admin_activate", $row['user_lang']);

						'USERNAME' => preg_replace($unhtml_specialchars_match, $unhtml_specialchars_replace, substr(str_replace("\'", "'", $username), 0, 25)),
						'EMAIL_SIG' => str_replace('<br />', "\n", "-- \n" . $board_config['board_email_sig']),

						'U_ACTIVATE' => $server_url . '?mode=activate&' . POST_USERS_URL . '=' . $user_id . '&act_key=' . $user_actkey)

			$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_index'],  '<a href="' . append_sid("index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');

			message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
		} // if mode == register
} // End of submit

if ( $error )
	// If an error occured we need to stripslashes on returned data
	$username = stripslashes($username);
	$email = stripslashes($email);
	 $cur_password = '';
	$new_password = '';
	$password_confirm = '';

	$icq = stripslashes($icq);
	$aim = str_replace('+', ' ', stripslashes($aim));
	$msn = stripslashes($msn);
	$yim = stripslashes($yim);

	$website = stripslashes($website);
	$location = stripslashes($location);
	$occupation = stripslashes($occupation);
	$interests = stripslashes($interests);

$info = stripslashes($info);
	$signature = stripslashes($signature);
	$signature = ($signature_bbcode_uid != '') ? preg_replace("/:(([a-z0-9]+:)?)$signature_bbcode_uid(=|\])/si", '\\3', $signature) : $signature;

	$user_lang = stripslashes($user_lang);
	$user_dateformat = stripslashes($user_dateformat);

else if ( $mode == 'editprofile' && !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatargallery']) && !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['submitavatar']) && !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancelavatar']) )
	$user_id = $userdata['user_id'];
	$username = $userdata['username'];
	$email = $userdata['user_email'];
	 $cur_password = '';
	$new_password = '';
	$password_confirm = '';

	$icq = $userdata['user_icq'];
	$aim = str_replace('+', ' ', $userdata['user_aim']);
	$msn = $userdata['user_msnm'];
	$yim = $userdata['user_yim'];

	$website = $userdata['user_website'];
	$location = $userdata['user_from'];
 // FLAGHACK-start
	$user_flag = $userdata['user_from_flag'];	
$occupation = $userdata['user_occ'];
	$interests = $userdata['user_interests'];

$info = $userdata['user_info'];
	$signature_bbcode_uid = $userdata['user_sig_bbcode_uid'];
	$signature = ($signature_bbcode_uid != '') ? preg_replace("/:(([a-z0-9]+:)?)$signature_bbcode_uid(=|\])/si", '\\3', $userdata['user_sig']) : $userdata['user_sig'];

	$viewemail = $userdata['user_viewemail'];
	$notifypm = $userdata['user_notify_pm'];
	$popup_pm = $userdata['user_popup_pm'];
	$notifyreply = $userdata['user_notify'];
	$attachsig = $userdata['user_attachsig'];
	$allowhtml = $userdata['user_allowhtml'];
	$allowbbcode = $userdata['user_allowbbcode'];
	$allowsmilies = $userdata['user_allowsmile'];
	$allowviewonline = $userdata['user_allow_viewonline'];

	$user_avatar = ( $userdata['user_allowavatar'] ) ? $userdata['user_avatar'] : '';
	$user_avatar_type = ( $userdata['user_allowavatar'] ) ? $userdata['user_avatar_type'] : USER_AVATAR_NONE;

	$user_style = $userdata['user_style'];
	$user_lang = $userdata['user_lang'];
	$user_timezone = $userdata['user_timezone'];
	$user_dateformat = $userdata['user_dateformat'];

// Default pages
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx);


if ( $mode == 'editprofile' )
	if ( $user_id != $userdata['user_id'] )
		$error = TRUE;
		$error_msg = $lang['Wrong_Profile'];

if( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatargallery']) && !$error )
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/usercp_avatar.'.$phpEx);

	$avatar_category = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcategory']) ) ? htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['avatarcategory']) : '';

		'body' => 'profile_avatar_gallery.tpl')

	$allowviewonline = !$allowviewonline;

	display_avatar_gallery($mode, $avatar_category, $user_id, $email, $current_email, $coppa, $username, $email, $new_password, $cur_password, $password_confirm, $icq, $aim, $msn, $yim, $website, $location, $user_flag, $occupation, $interests, $info, $signature, $viewemail, $notifypm, $popup_pm, $notifyreply, $attachsig, $allowhtml, $allowbbcode, $allowsmilies, $allowviewonline, $user_style, $user_lang, $user_timezone, $user_dateformat, $userdata['session_id']);
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_selects.'.$phpEx);

	if ( !isset($coppa) )
		$coppa = FALSE;

	if ( !isset($user_style) ) 
      $user_style = $board_config['default_style'];

	$avatar_img = '';
	if ( $user_avatar_type )
		switch( $user_avatar_type )
				$avatar_img = ( $board_config['allow_avatar_upload'] ) ? '<img src="' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/' . $user_avatar . '" alt="" />' : '';
				$avatar_img = ( $board_config['allow_avatar_remote'] ) ? '<img src="' . $user_avatar . '" alt="" />' : '';
				$avatar_img = ( $board_config['allow_avatar_local'] ) ? '<img src="' . $board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $user_avatar . '" alt="" />' : '';

	$s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . $mode . '" /><input type="hidden" name="agreed" value="true" /><input type="hidden" name="coppa" value="' . $coppa . '" />';
	if( $mode == 'editprofile' )
		$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $userdata['user_id'] . '" />';
		// Send the users current email address. If they change it, and account activation is turned on
		// the user account will be disabled and the user will have to reactivate their account.
		$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="current_email" value="' . $userdata['user_email'] . '" />';

	if ( !empty($user_avatar_local) )
		$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="avatarlocal" value="' . $user_avatar_local . '" /><input type="hidden" name="avatarcatname" value="' . $user_avatar_category . '" />';

	$html_status =  ( $userdata['user_allowhtml'] && $board_config['allow_html'] ) ? $lang['HTML_is_ON'] : $lang['HTML_is_OFF'];
	$bbcode_status = ( $userdata['user_allowbbcode'] && $board_config['allow_bbcode']  ) ? $lang['BBCode_is_ON'] : $lang['BBCode_is_OFF'];
	$smilies_status = ( $userdata['user_allowsmile'] && $board_config['allow_smilies']  ) ? $lang['Smilies_are_ON'] : $lang['Smilies_are_OFF'];

	if ( $error )
			'reg_header' => 'error_body.tpl')
			'ERROR_MESSAGE' => $error_msg)
		$template->assign_var_from_handle('ERROR_BOX', 'reg_header');

		'body' => 'profile_add_body.tpl')

	if ( $mode == 'editprofile' )
		$template->assign_block_vars('switch_edit_profile', array());

// FLAGHACK-start
	// query to get the list of flags
	$sql = "SELECT *
		ORDER BY flag_id";
	if(!$flags_result = $db->sql_query($sql))
		message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't obtain flags information.", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
	$flag_row = $db->sql_fetchrowset($ranksresult);
	$num_flags = $db->sql_numrows($ranksresult) ;

	// build the html select statement
	$flag_start_image = 'blank.gif' ;
	$selected = ( isset($user_flag) ) ? '' : ' selected="selected"'  ;
	$flag_select = "<select name=\"user_flag\" onChange=\"document.images['user_flag'].src = 'images/flags/'
 + this.value;\" >";
	$flag_select .= "<option value=\"blank.gif\"$selected>" . $lang['Select_Country'] . "</option>";
	for ($i = 0; $i < $num_flags; $i++)
		$flag_name = $flag_row[$i]['flag_name'];
		$flag_image = $flag_row[$i]['flag_image'];
		$selected = ( isset( $user_flag) ) ? (($user_flag == $flag_image) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) : '' ;
		$flag_select .= "\t<option value=\"$flag_image\"$selected>$flag_name</option>";
		if ( isset( $user_flag) && ($user_flag == $flag_image))
			$flag_start_image = $flag_image ;
	$flag_select .= '</select>';
if ( ($mode == 'register') || ($board_config['allow_namechange']) )
		$template->assign_block_vars('switch_namechange_allowed', array());
		$template->assign_block_vars('switch_namechange_disallowed', array());

	// Visual Confirmation
	$confirm_image = '';
	if (!empty($board_config['enable_confirm']) && $mode == 'register')
		$sql = 'SELECT session_id 
		if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql)))
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not select session data', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

		if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			$confirm_sql = '';
				$confirm_sql .= (($confirm_sql != '') ? ', ' : '') . "'" . $row['session_id'] . "'";
			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
			$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' .  CONFIRM_TABLE . " 
				WHERE session_id NOT IN ($confirm_sql)";
			if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not delete stale confirm data', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

		$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(session_id) AS attempts 
			WHERE session_id = '" . $userdata['session_id'] . "'";
		if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql)))
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain confirm code count', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

		if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			if ($row['attempts'] > 5)
				message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Too_many_registers']);
  $confirm_chars = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');

		list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); 
		mt_srand($sec * $usec); 

		$max_chars = count($confirm_chars) - 1;
		$code = '';
		for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++)
			$code .= $confirm_chars[mt_rand(0, $max_chars)];
		}		$confirm_id = md5(uniqid($user_ip));

		$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . CONFIRM_TABLE . " (confirm_id, session_id, code) 
			VALUES ('$confirm_id', '". $userdata['session_id'] . "', '$code')";
		if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert new confirm code information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

		$confirm_image = (@extension_loaded('zlib')) ? '<img src="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=confirm&id=$confirm_id") . '" alt="" title="" />' : '<img src="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=confirm&id=$confirm_id&c=1") . '" alt="" title="" /><img src="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=confirm&id=$confirm_id&c=2") . '" alt="" title="" /><img src="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=confirm&id=$confirm_id&c=3") . '" alt="" title="" /><img src="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=confirm&id=$confirm_id&c=4") . '" alt="" title="" /><img src="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=confirm&id=$confirm_id&c=5") . '" alt="" title="" /><img src="' . append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=confirm&id=$confirm_id&c=6") . '" alt="" title="" />';
		$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="confirm_id" value="' . $confirm_id . '" />';

		$template->assign_block_vars('switch_confirm', array());

	// Let's do an overall check for settings/versions which would prevent
	// us from doing file uploads....
	$ini_val = ( phpversion() >= '4.0.0' ) ? 'ini_get' : 'get_cfg_var';
	$form_enctype = ( @$ini_val('file_uploads') == '0' || strtolower(@$ini_val('file_uploads') == 'off') || phpversion() == '4.0.4pl1' || !$board_config['allow_avatar_upload'] || ( phpversion() < '4.0.3' && @$ini_val('open_basedir') != '' ) ) ? '' : 'enctype="multipart/form-data"';

  'USERNAME' => isset($username) ? $username : '',
		'CUR_PASSWORD' => isset($cur_password) ? $cur_password : '',
		'NEW_PASSWORD' => isset($new_password) ? $new_password : '',
		'PASSWORD_CONFIRM' => isset($password_confirm) ? $password_confirm : '',
		'EMAIL' => isset($email) ? $email : '',
		'CONFIRM_IMG' => $confirm_image, 
		'YIM' => $yim,
		'ICQ' => $icq,
		'MSN' => $msn,
		'AIM' => $aim,
		'OCCUPATION' => $occupation,
		'INTERESTS' => $interests,
	'INFO' => $info,
		'L_INFO' => $lang['Info'],	'LOCATION' => $location,// FLAGHACK-start
		'L_FLAG' => $lang['Country_Flag'],
		'FLAG_SELECT' => $flag_select,
		'FLAG_START' => $flag_start_image,
		'WEBSITE' => $website,
		'SIGNATURE' => str_replace('<br />', "\n", $signature),
		'VIEW_EMAIL_YES' => ( $viewemail ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'VIEW_EMAIL_NO' => ( !$viewemail ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'HIDE_USER_YES' => ( !$allowviewonline ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'HIDE_USER_NO' => ( $allowviewonline ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'NOTIFY_PM_YES' => ( $notifypm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'NOTIFY_PM_NO' => ( !$notifypm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'POPUP_PM_YES' => ( $popup_pm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'POPUP_PM_NO' => ( !$popup_pm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ADD_SIGNATURE_YES' => ( $attachsig ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ADD_SIGNATURE_NO' => ( !$attachsig ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'NOTIFY_REPLY_YES' => ( $notifyreply ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'NOTIFY_REPLY_NO' => ( !$notifyreply ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_BBCODE_YES' => ( $allowbbcode ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_BBCODE_NO' => ( !$allowbbcode ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_HTML_YES' => ( $allowhtml ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_HTML_NO' => ( !$allowhtml ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES_YES' => ( $allowsmilies ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES_NO' => ( !$allowsmilies ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
		'ALLOW_AVATAR' => $board_config['allow_avatar_upload'],
		'AVATAR' => $avatar_img,
		'AVATAR_SIZE' => $board_config['avatar_filesize'],
		'LANGUAGE_SELECT' => language_select($user_lang, 'language'),
		'STYLE_SELECT' => style_select($user_style, 'style'),
		'TIMEZONE_SELECT' => tz_select($user_timezone, 'timezone'),
		'DATE_FORMAT' => $user_dateformat,
		'HTML_STATUS' => $html_status,
		'BBCODE_STATUS' => sprintf($bbcode_status, '<a href="' . append_sid("faq.$phpEx?mode=bbcode") . '" target="_phpbbcode">', '</a>'),
		'SMILIES_STATUS' => $smilies_status,

		'L_CURRENT_PASSWORD' => $lang['Current_password'],
		'L_NEW_PASSWORD' => ( $mode == 'register' ) ? $lang['Password'] : $lang['New_password'],
		'L_CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => $lang['Confirm_password'],
		'L_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? $lang['Confirm_password_explain'] : '',
		'L_PASSWORD_IF_CHANGED' => ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? $lang['password_if_changed'] : '',
		'L_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_IF_CHANGED' => ( $mode == 'editprofile' ) ? $lang['password_confirm_if_changed'] : '',
		'L_SUBMIT' => $lang['Submit'],
		'L_RESET' => $lang['Reset'],
		'L_ICQ_NUMBER' => $lang['ICQ'],
		'L_MESSENGER' => $lang['MSNM'],
		'L_YAHOO' => $lang['YIM'],
		'L_WEBSITE' => $lang['Website'],
		'L_AIM' => $lang['AIM'],
		'L_LOCATION' => $lang['Location'],
		'L_OCCUPATION' => $lang['Occupation'],
		'L_BOARD_LANGUAGE' => $lang['Board_lang'],
		'L_BOARD_STYLE' => $lang['Board_style'],
		'L_TIMEZONE' => $lang['Timezone'],
		'L_DATE_FORMAT' => $lang['Date_format'],
		'L_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Date_format_explain'],
		'L_YES' => $lang['Yes'],
		'L_NO' => $lang['No'],
		'L_INTERESTS' => $lang['Interests'],
		'L_ALWAYS_ALLOW_SMILIES' => $lang['Always_smile'],
		'L_ALWAYS_ALLOW_BBCODE' => $lang['Always_bbcode'],
		'L_ALWAYS_ALLOW_HTML' => $lang['Always_html'],
		'L_HIDE_USER' => $lang['Hide_user'],
		'L_ALWAYS_ADD_SIGNATURE' => $lang['Always_add_sig'],

		'L_AVATAR_PANEL' => $lang['Avatar_panel'],
		'L_AVATAR_EXPLAIN' => sprintf($lang['Avatar_explain'], $board_config['avatar_max_width'], $board_config['avatar_max_height'], (round($board_config['avatar_filesize'] / 1024))),
		'L_UPLOAD_AVATAR_FILE' => $lang['Upload_Avatar_file'],
		'L_UPLOAD_AVATAR_URL' => $lang['Upload_Avatar_URL'],
		'L_UPLOAD_AVATAR_URL_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Upload_Avatar_URL_explain'],
		'L_AVATAR_GALLERY' => $lang['Select_from_gallery'],
		'L_SHOW_GALLERY' => $lang['View_avatar_gallery'],
		'L_LINK_REMOTE_AVATAR' => $lang['Link_remote_Avatar'],
		'L_LINK_REMOTE_AVATAR_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Link_remote_Avatar_explain'],
		'L_DELETE_AVATAR' => $lang['Delete_Image'],
		'L_CURRENT_IMAGE' => $lang['Current_Image'],

		'L_SIGNATURE' => $lang['Signature'],
		'L_SIGNATURE_EXPLAIN' => sprintf($lang['Signature_explain'], $board_config['max_sig_chars']),
		'L_NOTIFY_ON_REPLY' => $lang['Always_notify'],
		'L_NOTIFY_ON_REPLY_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Always_notify_explain'],
		'L_NOTIFY_ON_PRIVMSG' => $lang['Notify_on_privmsg'],
		'L_POPUP_ON_PRIVMSG' => $lang['Popup_on_privmsg'],
		'L_POPUP_ON_PRIVMSG_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Popup_on_privmsg_explain'],
		'L_PREFERENCES' => $lang['Preferences'],
		'L_PUBLIC_VIEW_EMAIL' => $lang['Public_view_email'],
		'L_ITEMS_REQUIRED' => $lang['Items_required'],
		'L_REGISTRATION_INFO' => $lang['Registration_info'],
		'L_PROFILE_INFO' => $lang['Profile_info'],
		'L_PROFILE_INFO_NOTICE' => $lang['Profile_info_warn'],
		'L_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => $lang['Email_address'],

		'L_CONFIRM_CODE_IMPAIRED'	=> sprintf($lang['Confirm_code_impaired'], '<a href="mailto:' . $board_config['board_email'] . '">', '</a>'), 
		'L_CONFIRM_CODE'			=> $lang['Confirm_code'], 
		'L_CONFIRM_CODE_EXPLAIN'	=> $lang['Confirm_code_explain'], 

		'S_ALLOW_AVATAR_UPLOAD' => $board_config['allow_avatar_upload'],
		'S_ALLOW_AVATAR_LOCAL' => $board_config['allow_avatar_local'],
		'S_ALLOW_AVATAR_REMOTE' => $board_config['allow_avatar_remote'],
		'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields,
		'S_FORM_ENCTYPE' => $form_enctype,
		'S_PROFILE_ACTION' => append_sid("profile.$phpEx"))

	// This is another cheat using the block_var capability
	// of the templates to 'fake' an IF...ELSE...ENDIF solution
	// it works well :)
	if ( $mode != 'register' )
		if ( $userdata['user_allowavatar'] && ( $board_config['allow_avatar_upload'] || $board_config['allow_avatar_local'] || $board_config['allow_avatar_remote'] ) )
			$template->assign_block_vars('switch_avatar_block', array() );

			if ( $board_config['allow_avatar_upload'] && file_exists(@phpbb_realpath('./' . $board_config['avatar_path'])) )
				if ( $form_enctype != '' )
					$template->assign_block_vars('switch_avatar_block.switch_avatar_local_upload', array() );
				$template->assign_block_vars('switch_avatar_block.switch_avatar_remote_upload', array() );

			if ( $board_config['allow_avatar_remote'] )
				$template->assign_block_vars('switch_avatar_block.switch_avatar_remote_link', array() );

			if ( $board_config['allow_avatar_local'] && file_exists(@phpbb_realpath('./' . $board_config['avatar_gallery_path'])) )
				$template->assign_block_vars('switch_avatar_block.switch_avatar_local_gallery', array() );


include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx);

التجمع الدولي لعلم الطيور ICA

صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو جديد
عضو جديد
مشاركات: 4
اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 24, 2006 7:17 am

مشاركةبواسطة ghassan857 » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 4:40 pm

??? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ? ??? ????:|

صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو جديد
عضو جديد
مشاركات: 4
اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 24, 2006 7:17 am

(( ????? ))

مشاركةبواسطة ghassan857 » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 4:42 pm

?? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????

?????? ??? ???????

صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو مطرود
عضو مطرود
مشاركات: 306
اشترك في: الثلاثاء فبراير 28, 2006 11:08 pm

مشاركةبواسطة cizar » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 6:32 pm

?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????
عندك مشكلة في حاسوبك تبي لها حل تبي برنامج ناقصك لحاسوبك
تفضل من هنا ستجد كل ما تريده انشاء الله
Computer Arabia

صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو فعال
عضو فعال
مشاركات: 572
اشترك في: الأحد مايو 29, 2005 4:57 am

مشاركةبواسطة hot » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 6:57 pm

??? ??????? ????? ???
??? ?? ?????
????? ??? ??????

??? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ? ??? ????
?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???
??? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????

8) 8) 8) 8) السيرفر المحلي 8) 8) 8) 8)

السيرفر المحلي مهم جدا في احتراف تركيب المنتديات
فهو يقوم بتركيب المنتدى على جهازك الشخصي
حيث تستطيع تركيب الهاكات والإستايلات وغيرها
وتجربتها على الجهاز وتأكد من فعاليتها
قبل وضعها في منتداك وموقعك الفعلي في الإنترنت

فإذا ارد الإحتراف فتعلم تركيب المنتدى على السيرفر المحلي
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

شرح تركيب المنتدى على السيرفر الأباتشي

صورة العضو الرمزية
عبده أبو سير
عضو نشيط
عضو نشيط
مشاركات: 135
اشترك في: الخميس يونيو 24, 2004 12:41 pm

مشاركةبواسطة عبده أبو سير » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 10:25 pm

?????? ?????:
?? ??????? ?????,
??????? ?? ????:
* ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???????.

??????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ??? includes/usercp_register.php , ?? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ????? ?????? ???????.
???? ?? ??? ??? ?????.
??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ????????.

???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???????
التجمع الدولي لعلم الطيور ICA

صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو جديد
عضو جديد
مشاركات: 16
اشترك في: الخميس يناير 12, 2006 2:20 am

مشاركةبواسطة 3128 » الخميس يونيو 08, 2006 11:33 pm

????? ?? ????
????? ???? ?????? ???? ??????
??? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????
??????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??????????
???? ?????
?? ????????? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????
???? ????? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????
??? ??? ???????? ???????
يلي بحب يفوت على موقعي يتفضل
شبكة كووول
اقوى شبكة على الإنترنت
ويلي ما بدو مو مشكلة على راحتو
أحلى داعم فني والله
نحن نعلم الزورا والأعضاء ممنوع الرسائل الخاصة يا عالم يا ناس ياهو الدعم ممنوع في الرسائل الخاصة

صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو فعال
عضو فعال
مشاركات: 572
اشترك في: الأحد مايو 29, 2005 4:57 am

مشاركةبواسطة hot » الجمعة يونيو 09, 2006 2:19 am

????? ?? ????
????? ???? ?????? ???? ??????
??? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????
??????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??????????
???? ?????
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???? ????? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????
??? ??? ???????? ???????
????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???????
?? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ?? ????
???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??
???? ???? ???? ???????

?????? ?? ?????
8) 8) 8) 8) السيرفر المحلي 8) 8) 8) 8)

السيرفر المحلي مهم جدا في احتراف تركيب المنتديات
فهو يقوم بتركيب المنتدى على جهازك الشخصي
حيث تستطيع تركيب الهاكات والإستايلات وغيرها
وتجربتها على الجهاز وتأكد من فعاليتها
قبل وضعها في منتداك وموقعك الفعلي في الإنترنت

فإذا ارد الإحتراف فتعلم تركيب المنتدى على السيرفر المحلي
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

شرح تركيب المنتدى على السيرفر الأباتشي

العودة إلى ”[ ×.2.0 ] الدعم الفني“

الموجودون الآن

المتصفحون للمنتدى الآن: لا يوجد أعضاء مسجلين متصلين و 5 زوار