تحديث ستايلات من النسخة 3.0.9 الى 3.0.10

منتديات ستايلات phpBB3 والنقاش حول استايلات الجيل الثالث من phpBB وأيضاً حل مشاكل الاستايلات العامة

المشرفون: alhitary،طاقم الاستايلات

قوانين المنتدى
هذه الساحة للنقاش حول كيفية الاستايلات وليست لحل المشاكل المتعلقه بذلك، مشكلة الاستايل تطرح في موضوع الاستايل نفسه
صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو عبد الودود
عضو فعال
عضو فعال
مشاركات: 785
اشترك في: الاثنين سبتمبر 07, 2009 3:05 pm
مكان: ارض الله

????? ??????? ?? ?????? 3.0.9 ??? 3.0.10

مشاركةبواسطة ابو عبد الودود » الثلاثاء يناير 24, 2012 3:35 pm

?????? ????? ? ???? ???? ???????

????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???????
?? ?????? 3.0.9 ??? ?????? 3.0.10

??? ??????? ?? ??????? ????

http://www.phpbb.com/files/release/phpB ... hanges.zip

?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????? ???????

صورة العضو الرمزية
مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق
مشاركات: 791
اشترك في: الجمعة نوفمبر 05, 2004 7:05 pm
مكان: اليمن - عدن

????? ??????? ?? ?????? 3.0.9 ??? 3.0.10

مشاركةبواسطة Ghalebi » الثلاثاء يناير 24, 2012 4:35 pm

?? ???? ???????? ??? ??? ? ??????? ??? ??????? ;)

صورة العضو الرمزية
ابو عبد الودود
عضو فعال
عضو فعال
مشاركات: 785
اشترك في: الاثنين سبتمبر 07, 2009 3:05 pm
مكان: ارض الله

????? ??????? ?? ?????? 3.0.9 ??? 3.0.10

مشاركةبواسطة ابو عبد الودود » الثلاثاء يناير 24, 2012 4:47 pm

? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????

??? ????? ?????

كود: تحديد الكل

## Title: phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10 Language Pack Changes
## Author: naderman < naderman@phpbb.com > (Nils Adermann) http://www.phpbb.com 
## Description: 
##		These are the phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10 Language Pack Changes summed up into a
##		little Mod. These changes are only partial and do not include any code changes,
##		therefore not meant for updating phpBB.
## Files To Edit: ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????
##		language/en/acp/ban.php
##		language/en/acp/board.php
##		language/en/acp/common.php
##		language/en/acp/database.php
##		language/en/acp/forums.php
##		language/en/acp/language.php
##		language/en/common.php
##		language/en/email/admin_welcome_activated.txt
##		language/en/email/privmsg_notify.txt
##		language/en/help_faq.php
##		language/en/install.php
##		language/en/posting.php
##		language/en/ucp.php
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2 

#-----[  ???? OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ???? ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 65
	'IP_NO_BANNED'				=> 'No banned IP addresses',
	'IP_UNBAN'					=> 'Un-ban or un-exclude IPs',
	'IP_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'			=> 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded IPs are emphasised.',

	'LENGTH_BAN_INVALID'		=> 'The date has to be formatted <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd>.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD  ??? ???? ]---------------------------------------------

	'OPTIONS_BANNED'			=> 'Banned',
	'OPTIONS_EXCLUDED'			=> 'Excluded',

#-----[ OPEN ???? ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 51
	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user?s record.',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH  ?????? ???? ]---------------------------------------------
	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user?s record. Set this value to 0 to make warnings permanent.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 172
	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The minimum number of characters the user need to enter within a post/private message.',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ?????? ????  ]---------------------------------------------
	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The minimum number of characters the user need to enter within a post/private message. The minimum for this setting is 1.',

#-----[ OPEN  ???? ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 324
	'BOARD_STARTED'		=> 'Board started',
	'BOARD_VERSION'		=> 'Board version',

	'DATABASE_SERVER_INFO'	=> 'Database server',
	'DATABASE_SIZE'			=> 'Database size',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------

	// Enviroment configuration checks, mbstring related
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD'					=> 'Function overloading is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.func_overload</var> must be set to either 0 or 4. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION'			=> 'Transparent character encoding is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION_EXPLAIN'	=> '<var>mbstring.encoding_translation</var> must be set to 0. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT'						=> 'HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT_EXPLAIN'				=> '<var>mbstring.http_input</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT'					=> 'HTTP output character conversion is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.http_output</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 57
	'FILE_WRITE_FAIL'	=> 'Unable to write file to storage folder.',
	'FULL_BACKUP'		=> 'Full',

	'RESTORE_FAILURE'		=> 'The backup file may be corrupt.',
	'RESTORE_OPTIONS'		=> 'Restore options',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'RESTORE_SELECTED_BACKUP'	=> 'Are you sure you want to restore the selected backup?',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 70
	'FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN'				=> 'In phpBB3 there are no categories, everything is forum based. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not (i.e. whether it acts like an old category). Here you can add, edit, delete, lock, unlock individual forums as well as set certain additional controls. If your posts and topics have got out of sync you can also resynchronise a forum. <strong>You need to copy or set appropriate permissions for newly created forums to have them displayed.</strong>',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	'FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN'				=> 'In phpBB3 everything is forum based. A category is just a special type of forum. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not (i.e. whether it acts like an old category). Here you can add, edit, delete, lock, unlock individual forums as well as set certain additional controls. If your posts and topics have got out of sync you can also resynchronise a forum. <strong>You need to copy or set appropriate permissions for newly created forums to have them displayed.</strong>',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 57
	'LANGUAGE_KEY'						=> 'Language key',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_ALREADY_INSTALLED'	=> 'This language pack is already installed.',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_DELETED'				=> 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been removed successfully. All users using this language have been reset to the boards default language.',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_DETAILS'				=> 'Language pack details',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_INSTALLED'			=> 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been successfully installed.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_CPF_UPDATE'			=> 'The custom profile fields? language strings were copied from the default language. Please change them if necessary.',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 163
	'EMAIL_SMTP_ERROR_RESPONSE'			=> 'Ran into problems sending e-mail at <strong>Line %1$s</strong>. Response: %2$s.',
	'EMPTY_SUBJECT'						=> 'You must specify a subject when posting a new topic.',
	'EMPTY_MESSAGE_SUBJECT'				=> 'You must specify a subject when composing a new message.',
	'ENABLED'							=> 'Enabled',
	'ENCLOSURE'							=> 'Enclosure',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'ENTER_USERNAME'					=> 'Enter username',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 199
	'FORUM_LOCKED'			=> 'Forum locked',
	'FORUM_RULES'			=> 'Forum rules',
	'FORUM_RULES_LINK'		=> 'Please click here to view the forum rules',
	'FROM'					=> 'from',
	'FSOCK_DISABLED'		=> 'The operation could not be completed because the <var>fsockopen</var> function has been disabled or the server being queried could not be found.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'FSOCK_TIMEOUT'			=> 'A timeout occurred while reading from the network stream.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 652
	'UNREAD_MESSAGES'		=> 'Unread messages',
	'UNREAD_PM'				=> '<strong>%d</strong> unread message',
	'UNREAD_PMS'			=> '<strong>%d</strong> unread messages',
	'UNREAD_POST'			=> 'Unread post',
	'UNREAD_POSTS'			=> 'Unread posts',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'UNWATCH_FORUM_CONFIRM'		=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from this forum?',
	'UNWATCH_FORUM_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from the forum ?%s??',
	'UNWATCH_TOPIC_CONFIRM'		=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from this topic?',
	'UNWATCH_TOPIC_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from the topic ?%s??',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 704
	'VIEW_TOPIC_STICKY'			=> 'Sticky: ',
	'VISIT_WEBSITE'				=> 'Visit website',

	'WARNINGS'			=> 'Warnings',
	'WARN_USER'			=> 'Warn user',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'WATCH_FORUM_CONFIRM'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to this forum?',
	'WATCH_FORUM_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to the forum ?%s??',
	'WATCH_TOPIC_CONFIRM'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to this topic?',
	'WATCH_TOPIC_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to the topic ?%s??',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
Your account on "{SITENAME}" has now been activated, you may login using the username you received in a previous e-mail.

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
Your account on "{SITENAME}" has been activated by an administrator, you may login now.

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 6


You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 11

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 58
		1 => 'Attempt to locate the e-mail sent to you when you first registered, check your username and password and try again. It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		1 => 'It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 149
	'DLL_MSSQL_ODBC'			=> 'MSSQL Server 2000+ via ODBC',
	'DLL_MSSQLNATIVE'			=> 'MSSQL Server 2005+ [ Native ]',
	'DLL_MYSQL'					=> 'MySQL',
	'DLL_MYSQLI'				=> 'MySQL with MySQLi Extension',
	'DLL_ORACLE'				=> 'Oracle',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 154
	'DLL_POSTGRES'				=> 'PostgreSQL 7.x/8.x',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	'DLL_POSTGRES'				=> 'PostgreSQL',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 230
	'INSTALL_START'				=> 'Start install',
	'INSTALL_TEST'				=> 'Test again',
	'INST_ERR'					=> 'Installation error',
	'INST_ERR_DB_CONNECT'		=> 'Could not connect to the database, see error message below.',
	'INST_ERR_DB_FORUM_PATH'	=> 'The database file specified is within your board directory tree. You should put this file in a non web-accessible location.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'INST_ERR_DB_INVALID_PREFIX'=> 'The prefix you entered is invalid. It must start with a letter and must only contain letters, numbers and underscores.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 351
	'SYNC_TOPICS'				=> 'Starting to synchronise topics',
	'SYNC_TOPIC_ID'				=> 'Synchronising topics from <var>topic_id</var> %1$s to %2$s.',

	'TABLES_MISSING'			=> 'Could not find these tables<br />? <strong>%s</strong>.',
	'TABLE_PREFIX'				=> 'Prefix for tables in database',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'TABLE_PREFIX_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The prefix must start with a letter and must only contain letters, numbers and underscores.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 494
	'SOME_QUERIES_FAILED'		=> 'Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below.',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	'SOME_QUERIES_FAILED'		=> 'Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listed below.',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 46
	'ATTACH_SIG'				=> 'Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP)',

	'BBCODE_A_HELP'				=> 'Inline uploaded attachment: [attachment=]filename.ext[/attachment]',
	'BBCODE_B_HELP'				=> 'Bold text: [b]text[/b]',
	'BBCODE_C_HELP'				=> 'Code display: [code]code

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 51
'BBCODE_E_HELP' => 'List: Add list element',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'BBCODE_D_HELP' => 'Flash: [flash=width,height]http://url[/flash]',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 59
'BBCODE_D_HELP' => 'Flash: [flash=width,height]http://url[/flash]',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'BBCODE_Y_HELP' => 'List: Add list element',

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 136
'COPPA_EXPLAIN' => 'Please note that clicking submit will create your account. However it cannot be activated until a parent or guardian approves your registration. You will be emailed a copy of the necessary form with details of where to send it.',
'CREATE_FOLDER' => 'Add folder?',
'CURRENT_IMAGE' => 'Current image',
'CURRENT_PASSWORD' => 'Current password',
'CURRENT_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'You must confirm your current password if you wish to change it, alter your e-mail address or username.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
'CUR_PASSWORD_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter your current password.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 267
'MOVE_MARKED_TO_FOLDER' => 'Move marked to %s',
'MOVE_PM_ERROR' => 'An error occurred while moving the messages to the new folder, only %1d from %2d messages were moved.',
'MOVE_TO_FOLDER' => 'Move to folder',
'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
'NEW_EMAIL_CONFIRM_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter a confirm e-mail address.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 267
'NEW_EMAIL_ERROR' => 'The e-mail addresses you entered do not match.',
'NEW_FOLDER_NAME' => 'New folder name',
'NEW_PASSWORD' => 'New password',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
'NEW_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter a confirm password.',

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM[/code]

??? ????? ????? prosilver ????????

كود: تحديد الكل

## Title: phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10 prosilver Changes
## Author: naderman < naderman@phpbb.com > (Nils Adermann) http://www.phpbb.com 
## Description: 
##		These are the phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10 prosilver Changes summed up into a
##		little Mod. These changes are only partial and do not include any code changes,
##		therefore not meant for updating phpBB.
## Files To Edit: 
##		styles/prosilver/imageset/imageset.cfg
##		styles/prosilver/style.cfg
##		styles/prosilver/template/editor.js
##		styles/prosilver/template/forum_fn.js
##		styles/prosilver/template/jumpbox.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/mcp_approve.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/mcp_front.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/mcp_notes_user.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/mcp_post.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/memberlist_body.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/memberlist_view.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/message_body.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/posting_buttons.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/template.cfg
##		styles/prosilver/template/ucp_groups_manage.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/ucp_pm_viewmessage_print.html
##		styles/prosilver/template/viewtopic_body.html
##		styles/prosilver/theme/bidi.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/buttons.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/common.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/content.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/cp.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/forms.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/links.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/print.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/stylesheet.css
##		styles/prosilver/theme/theme.cfg
##		styles/prosilver/theme/tweaks.css
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2 

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 17

# General Information about this style
name = prosilver
copyright = © phpBB Group, 2007

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 22
version = 3.0.9

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 17

# General Information about this style
name = prosilver
copyright = © phpBB Group, 2007

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 22
version = 3.0.9
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10
#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 149
	if (spaces) 
		text = ' ' + text + ' ';

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 154
	if (!isNaN(textarea.selectionStart))

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

	// Since IE9, IE also has textarea.selectionStart, but it still needs to be treated the old way.
	// Therefore we simply add a !is_ie here until IE fixes the text-selection completely.
	if (!isNaN(textarea.selectionStart) && !is_ie)

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 216
	if (window.getSelection)
		theSelection = window.getSelection().toString();
	else if (document.getSelection)

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	// IE9 must use the document.selection method but has the *.getSelection so we just force no IE
	if (window.getSelection && !is_ie)
		theSelection = window.getSelection().toString();
	else if (document.getSelection && !is_ie)

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 198
function selectCode(a)
	// Get ID of code block
	var e = a.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('CODE')[0];

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 203
	// Not IE

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	// Not IE and IE9+

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 8
	<form method="post" id="jumpbox" action="{S_JUMPBOX_ACTION}" onsubmit="if(document.jumpbox.f.value == -1){return false;}">

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	<form method="post" id="jumpbox" action="{S_JUMPBOX_ACTION}" onsubmit="if(this.f.value == -1){return false;}">

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 6

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		<!-- IF ADDITIONAL_MSG --><p class="error">{ADDITIONAL_MSG}</p><!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 26
			<!-- BEGIN unapproved -->
			<li class="row<!-- IF unapproved.S_ROW_COUNT is odd --> bg1<!-- ELSE --> bg2<!-- ENDIF -->">
						<a href="{unapproved.U_POST_DETAILS}" class="topictitle">{unapproved.SUBJECT}</a> {unapproved.ATTACH_ICON_IMG}<br />

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 31
						<!-- IF report.PAGINATION --><strong class="pagination"><span>{report.PAGINATION}</span></strong><!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
# Just remove/delete the lines (replacing with an empty line)

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 76
		<!-- IF S_CLEAR_ALLOWED --><td width="5%" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="marknote[]" id="note-{usernotes.ID}" value="{usernotes.ID}" /></td><!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		<!-- IF S_CLEAR_ALLOWED --><td style="width: 5%; text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" name="marknote[]" id="note-{usernotes.ID}" value="{usernotes.ID}" /></td><!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 72
			<form method="post" id="mcp_approve" action="{U_APPROVE_ACTION}">

			<p class="rules">
				<input class="button2" type="submit" value="{L_DISAPPROVE}" name="action[disapprove]" />  
				<input class="button1" type="submit" value="{L_APPROVE}" name="action[approve]" />

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
				<!-- IF not S_FIRST_POST --><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="unapproved_posts" /><!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 32
				<strong style="font-size: 0.95em;"><a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=">{L_ALL}</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=a#memberlist">A</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=b#memberlist">B</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=c#memberlist">C</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=d#memberlist">D</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=e#memberlist">E</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=f#memberlist">F</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=g#memberlist">G</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=h#memberlist">H</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=i#memberlist">I</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=j#memberlist">J</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=k#memberlist">K</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=l#memberlist">L</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=m#memberlist">M</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=n#memberlist">N</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=o#memberlist">O</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=p#memberlist">P</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=q#memberlist">Q</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=r#memberlist">R</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=s#memberlist">S</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=t#memberlist">T</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=u#memberlist">U</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=v#memberlist">V</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=w#memberlist">W</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=x#memberlist">X</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=y#memberlist">Y</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=z#memberlist">Z</a>  
				<a href="{S_MODE_ACTION}&first_char=other">#</a></strong>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
				<strong style="font-size: 0.95em;">
				<!-- BEGIN first_char -->
					<a href="{first_char.U_SORT}">{first_char.DESC}</a>  
				<!-- END first_char -->

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 26
		<!-- IF AGE --><dt>{L_AGE}:</dt> <dd>{AGE}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		<!-- IF AGE !== '' --><dt>{L_AGE}:</dt> <dd>{AGE}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 87
				<dt>{L_ACTIVE_IN_FORUM}:</dt> <dd><!-- IF ACTIVE_FORUM --><strong><a href="{U_ACTIVE_FORUM}">{ACTIVE_FORUM}</a></strong><br />({ACTIVE_FORUM_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_FORUM_PCT})<!-- ELSE --> - <!-- ENDIF --></dd>
				<dt>{L_ACTIVE_IN_TOPIC}:</dt> <dd><!-- IF ACTIVE_TOPIC --><strong><a href="{U_ACTIVE_TOPIC}">{ACTIVE_TOPIC}</a></strong><br />({ACTIVE_TOPIC_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_TOPIC_PCT})<!-- ELSE --> - <!-- ENDIF --></dd>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
				<dt>{L_ACTIVE_IN_FORUM}:</dt> <dd><!-- IF ACTIVE_FORUM != '' --><strong><a href="{U_ACTIVE_FORUM}">{ACTIVE_FORUM}</a></strong><br />({ACTIVE_FORUM_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_FORUM_PCT})<!-- ELSE --> - <!-- ENDIF --></dd>
				<dt>{L_ACTIVE_IN_TOPIC}:</dt> <dd><!-- IF ACTIVE_TOPIC != '' --><strong><a href="{U_ACTIVE_TOPIC}">{ACTIVE_TOPIC}</a></strong><br />({ACTIVE_TOPIC_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_TOPIC_PCT})<!-- ELSE --> - <!-- ENDIF --></dd>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	<!-- INCLUDE simple_header.html -->
<!-- ELSE -->
	<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 10
	<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "search" and not S_BOARD_DISABLED and not S_NO_SEARCH and L_RETURN_TO_SEARCH_ADV --><p><a href="{U_SEARCH}" class="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}">{L_RETURN_TO_SEARCH_ADV}</a></p><!-- ENDIF -->
	<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 15
<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	<!-- INCLUDE simple_footer.html -->
<!-- ELSE -->
	<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 66
		for (var i = 0; i < onload_functions.length; i++)

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 71

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 74
		for (var i = 0; i < onunload_functions.length; i++)

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 79

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 23
		p: '{LA_BBCODE_P_HELP}',
		w: '{LA_BBCODE_W_HELP}',
		a: '{LA_BBCODE_A_HELP}',
		s: '{LA_BBCODE_S_HELP}',
		f: '{LA_BBCODE_F_HELP}',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 28
		e: '{LA_BBCODE_E_HELP}',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		y: '{LA_BBCODE_Y_HELP}',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 77
	<input type="button" class="button2" accesskey="y" name="addlitsitem" value="[*]" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(-1)" title="{L_BBCODE_LISTITEM_HELP}" />

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	<input type="button" class="button2" accesskey="y" name="addlistitem" value="[*]" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(-1)" title="{L_BBCODE_LISTITEM_HELP}" />

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 17

# General Information about this template
name = prosilver
copyright = © phpBB Group, 2007

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 22
version = 3.0.9

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 141
			<td class="bg1" colspan="5">{L_GROUPS_NO_MEMBERS}</td>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		<table class="table1" cellspacing="1">
			<th class="name">{L_MEMBERS}</th>
			<td class="bg1">{L_GROUPS_NO_MEMBERS}</td>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset={S_CONTENT_ENCODING}" />
<meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="{S_USER_LANG}" />
<title>{SITENAME} :: {PAGE_TITLE}</title>

<style type="text/css">
/* <![CDATA[ */
body {
	font-family: Verdana,serif;
	font-size: 10pt;

td {
	font-family: Verdana,serif;
	font-size: 10pt;
	line-height: 150%;

.code, .quote {
	font-size: smaller;
	border: black solid 1px;

.forum {
	font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 18pt;

.topic {
	font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
	font-size: 14pt;
	font-weight: bold;

.gensmall {
	font-size: 8pt;

hr {
	color: #888888;
	height: 3px;
	border-style: solid;

hr.sep	{
	color: #AAAAAA;
	height: 1px;
	border-style: dashed;
/* ]]> */


<table width="85%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
	<td colspan="2" align="center"><span class="forum">{SITENAME}</span><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGING}</a></span></td>
	<td colspan="2"><br /></td>
	<td><span class="topic">{SUBJECT}</span><br /></td>
	<td align="right" valign="bottom"><span class="gensmall">{PAGE_NUMBER}</span></td>

<hr width="85%" />

<table width="85%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
	<td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">{L_PM_FROM}: </td>
	<td><strong>{MESSAGE_AUTHOR}</strong> [ {SENT_DATE} ]</td>

		<td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">{L_TO}:</td>
		<!-- BEGIN to_recipient -->
			<span<!-- IF to_recipient.IS_GROUP --> class="sep"<!-- ENDIF -->>{to_recipient.NAME}</span> 
		<!-- END to_recipient -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

		<td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">{L_BCC}:</td>
		<!-- BEGIN bcc_recipient -->
			<!-- IF bcc_recipient.COLOUR --><span style="color:{bcc_recipient.COLOUR}"><!-- ELSE --><span<!-- IF bcc_recipient.IS_GROUP --> class="sep"<!-- ENDIF -->><!-- ENDIF -->{bcc_recipient.NAME}</span> 
		<!-- END bcc_recipient -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
	<td colspan="2"><hr class="sep" />{MESSAGE}</td>

<hr width="85%" />

<table width="85%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">
	<td><span class="gensmall">{PAGE_NUMBER}</span></td>
	<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><span class="gensmall">{S_TIMEZONE}</span></td>
	<td colspan="2" align="center"><span class="gensmall">Powered by phpBB® Forum Software © phpBB Group<br />http://www.phpbb.com/</span></td>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset={S_CONTENT_ENCODING}" />
<meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="{S_USER_LANG}" />
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
<meta name="resource-type" content="document" />
<meta name="distribution" content="global" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<title>{SITENAME} • {PAGE_TITLE}</title>

<link href="{T_THEME_PATH}/print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<body id="phpbb">
<div id="wrap">
	<a id="top" name="top" accesskey="t"></a>

	<div id="page-header">
		<p>{SITE_DESCRIPTION}<br /><a href="{U_FORUM}">{U_FORUM}</a></p>

		<p><a href="{U_TOPIC}">{U_TOPIC}</a></p>

	<div id="page-body">
		<div class="page-number">{PAGE_NUMBER}</div>
			<div class="post">
				<div class="date">{L_SENT_AT} <strong>{SENT_DATE}</strong></div>
				<div class="author">{L_PM_FROM} <strong>{MESSAGE_AUTHOR}</strong></div>
				<!-- IF S_TO_RECIPIENT -->
					<div class="author">{L_TO} <strong><!-- BEGIN to_recipient -->{to_recipient.NAME} <!-- END to_recipient --></strong></div>
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF S_BCC_RECIPIENT -->
					<div class="author">{L_BCC} <strong><!-- BEGIN bcc_recipient -->{bcc_recipient.NAME} <!-- END bcc_recipient --></strong></div>
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<hr />
				<div class="content">{MESSAGE}</div>
			<hr />

	<div id="page-footer">
		<div class="page-number">{S_TIMEZONE}<br />{PAGE_NUMBER}</div>
		<div class="copyright">Powered by phpBB® Forum Software © phpBB Group<br />http://www.phpbb.com/</div>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 2
		<!-- IF MODERATORS -->
			<strong><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->:</strong> {MODERATORS}
		<!-- ENDIF -->


#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	<strong><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->:</strong> {MODERATORS}

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver RTL definitions

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* RTL definitions

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 517

* cp.css

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 522
/* proSilver Control Panel Styles

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Control Panel Styles

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver Button Styles

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Button Styles

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* General proSilver Markup Styles

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* General Markup Styles

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver Content Styles

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Content Styles

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver Control Panel Styles

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Control Panel Styles

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver Form Styles

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Form Styles

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 24
	cursor: pointer;
	vertical-align: middle;
	border: 1px solid #666666;
	padding: 1px;
	background-color: #FAFAFA;

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	font-size: 1em;

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver Link Styles

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Link Styles

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver Print Style Sheet
	Author: subBlue  ( http://www.subBlue.com/ )
	Version: 25 August 2004

	Copyright 2004 phpBB Group

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Print Style Sheet
---------------------------------------- */

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/*  phpBB 3.0 Style Sheet
	Style name:		proSilver
	Based on style:	proSilver (this is the default phpBB 3 style)
	Original author:	subBlue ( http://www.subBlue.com/ )
	Modified by:		
	Copyright 2006 phpBB Group ( http://www.phpbb.com/ )

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/*  phpBB3 Style Sheet
	Style name:			prosilver (the default phpBB 3.0.x style)
	Based on style:		
	Original author:	Tom Beddard ( http://www.subblue.com/ )
	Modified by:		phpBB Group ( http://www.phpbb.com/ )

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 19

# General Information about this theme
name = prosilver
copyright = © phpBB Group, 2007

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 24
version = 3.0.9

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/* proSilver Style Sheet Tweaks

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/* Style Sheet Tweaks

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ 
# EoM
??? ????? ????? subsilver ????????

كود: تحديد الكل

## Title: phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10 subsilver2 Changes
## Author: naderman < naderman@phpbb.com > (Nils Adermann) http://www.phpbb.com 
## Description: 
##		These are the phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10 subsilver2 Changes summed up into a
##		little Mod. These changes are only partial and do not include any code changes,
##		therefore not meant for updating phpBB.
## Files To Edit: 
##		styles/subsilver2/imageset/imageset.cfg
##		styles/subsilver2/style.cfg
##		styles/subsilver2/template/attachment.html
##		styles/subsilver2/template/editor.js
##		styles/subsilver2/template/memberlist_body.html
##		styles/subsilver2/template/memberlist_view.html
##		styles/subsilver2/template/posting_buttons.html
##		styles/subsilver2/template/template.cfg
##		styles/subsilver2/template/ucp_pm_viewmessage_print.html
##		styles/subsilver2/theme/stylesheet.css
##		styles/subsilver2/theme/theme.cfg
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2 

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 17

# General Information about this style
name = subsilver2
copyright = © phpBB Group, 2003

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 22
version = 3.0.9

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 17

# General Information about this style
name = subsilver2
copyright = © 2005 phpBB Group

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 22
version = 3.0.9

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 70
				<embed name="qtstream_{_file.ATTACH_ID}" src="{_file.U_DOWNLOAD_LINK}" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" enablejavascript="true" controller="true" width="320" height="285" type="video/quicktime" autoplay="false"> 

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
				<embed name="qtstream_{_file.ATTACH_ID}" src="{_file.U_DOWNLOAD_LINK}" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" enablejavascript="true" controller="true" width="320" height="285" type="video/quicktime" autoplay="false"></embed>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 149
	if (spaces) 
		text = ' ' + text + ' ';

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 154
	if (!isNaN(textarea.selectionStart))

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

	// Since IE9, IE also has textarea.selectionStart, but it still needs to be treated the old way.
	// Therefore we simply add a !is_ie here until IE fixes the text-selection completely.
	if (!isNaN(textarea.selectionStart) && !is_ie)

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 218
	if (window.getSelection)
		theSelection = window.getSelection().toString();
	else if (document.getSelection)

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	// IE9 must use the document.selection method but has the *.getSelection so we just force no IE
	if (window.getSelection && !is_ie)
		theSelection = window.getSelection().toString();
	else if (document.getSelection && !is_ie)

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 12
			<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}"><span class="genmed">{L_USERNAME_BEGINS_WITH}: </span><select name="first_char" onchange="this.form.submit();">{S_CHAR_OPTIONS}</select> <input type="submit" name="char" value="{L_DISPLAY}" class="btnlite" /></td>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
			<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}"><span class="genmed">{L_USERNAME_BEGINS_WITH}: </span>
				<select name="first_char" onchange="this.form.submit();">
					<!-- BEGIN first_char -->
						<option value="{first_char.VALUE}"<!-- IF first_char.S_SELECTED --> selected="selected"<!-- ENDIF -->>{first_char.DESC}</option>
					<!-- END first_char -->
				</select> <input type="submit" name="char" value="{L_DISPLAY}" class="btnlite" /></td>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 87
					<td><!-- IF ACTIVE_FORUM --><b><a class="gen" href="{U_ACTIVE_FORUM}">{ACTIVE_FORUM}</a></b><br /><span class="genmed">[ {ACTIVE_FORUM_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_FORUM_PCT} ]</span><!-- ELSE --><span class="gen">-</span><!-- ENDIF --></td>
					<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{L_ACTIVE_IN_TOPIC}: </td>
					<td><!-- IF ACTIVE_TOPIC --><b><a class="gen" href="{U_ACTIVE_TOPIC}">{ACTIVE_TOPIC}</a></b><br /><span class="genmed">[ {ACTIVE_TOPIC_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_TOPIC_PCT} ]</span><!-- ELSE --><span class="gen">-</span><!-- ENDIF --></td>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
					<td><!-- IF ACTIVE_FORUM != '' --><b><a class="gen" href="{U_ACTIVE_FORUM}">{ACTIVE_FORUM}</a></b><br /><span class="genmed">[ {ACTIVE_FORUM_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_FORUM_PCT} ]</span><!-- ELSE --><span class="gen">-</span><!-- ENDIF --></td>
					<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{L_ACTIVE_IN_TOPIC}: </td>
					<td><!-- IF ACTIVE_TOPIC != '' --><b><a class="gen" href="{U_ACTIVE_TOPIC}">{ACTIVE_TOPIC}</a></b><br /><span class="genmed">[ {ACTIVE_TOPIC_POSTS} / {ACTIVE_TOPIC_PCT} ]</span><!-- ELSE --><span class="gen">-</span><!-- ENDIF --></td>

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 146
			<!-- IF AGE -->
				<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap">{L_AGE}: </td>
				<td><b class="genmed"><!-- IF AGE -->{AGE}<!-- ELSE --> - <!-- ENDIF --></b></td>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
			<!-- IF AGE !== '' -->
				<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap">{L_AGE}: </td>
				<td><b class="genmed">{AGE}</b></td>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 20
			e: '{LA_BBCODE_E_HELP}',
			d: '{LA_BBCODE_D_HELP}',
			t: '{LA_BBCODE_T_HELP}',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
			y: '{LA_BBCODE_Y_HELP}',
			d: '{LA_BBCODE_D_HELP}',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 42
		<input type="button" class="btnbbcode" accesskey="y" name="addlitsitem" value="[*]" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(-1)" onmouseover="helpline('e')" onmouseout="helpline('tip')" />				

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		<input type="button" class="btnbbcode" accesskey="y" name="addlistitem" value="[*]" style="width: 40px" onclick="bbstyle(-1)" onmouseover="helpline('e')" onmouseout="helpline('tip')" />				

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 17

# General Information about this template
name = subsilver2
copyright = © phpBB Group, 2003

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 22
version = 3.0.9

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 59
	<td colspan="2" align="center"><span class="Forum">{SITENAME}</span><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGING}</a></span></td>

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	<td colspan="2" align="center"><span class="Forum">{SITENAME}</span><br /><span class="gensmall">{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGING}</span></td>

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
/*  phpBB 3.0 Style Sheet
	Style name:		subsilver2
	Based on style:	subSilver (the default phpBB 2 style)
	Original author:	subBlue ( http://www.subBlue.com/ )
	Modified by:		psoTFX and the phpBB team ( http://www.phpbb.com )
	This is an alternative style for phpBB3 for those wishing to stay with
	the familiar subSilver style of phpBB version 2.x
	Copyright 2006 phpBB Group ( http://www.phpbb.com/ )

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
/*  phpBB3 Style Sheet
	Style name:			subsilver2
	Based on style:		subSilver (the default phpBB 2.0.x style)
	Original author:	Tom Beddard ( http://www.subblue.com/ )
	Modified by:		phpBB Group ( http://www.phpbb.com/ )

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 19

# General Information about this theme
name = subsilver2
copyright = © phpBB Group, 2003

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 24
version = 3.0.9

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
version = 3.0.10

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ 
# EoM

مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق
مشاركات: 677
اشترك في: الاثنين أغسطس 27, 2007 1:21 pm
مكان: phpbbarabia

????? ??????? ?? ?????? 3.0.9 ??? 3.0.10

مشاركةبواسطة golino » الثلاثاء يناير 24, 2012 10:09 pm

??????? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? :D

رئيس طاقم الاستايلات
رئيس طاقم الاستايلات
مشاركات: 2158
اشترك في: الخميس مارس 27, 2003 10:06 pm
مكان: Nowhere

????? ??????? ?? ?????? 3.0.9 ??? 3.0.10

مشاركةبواسطة TheIlluminative » السبت فبراير 11, 2012 10:32 pm

????? ?? ????? ??? ???! ?? ???? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? 3.0.10 ??? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ??????!! | http://www.phpbbarabia.com/downloads.php

صورة العضو الرمزية
عضو جديد
عضو جديد
مشاركات: 1
اشترك في: الأربعاء يناير 11, 2017 8:10 pm

1FATP8UH3K5159596 Ford Mustang 2019 Blue 2.3L

مشاركةبواسطة onStars » الجمعة مايو 24, 2019 11:53 pm


Ford Mustang 2019 Blue 2.3L vin: 1FATP8UH3K5159596

Lot sold for 20900

Auction: I buy fast

Lot number: 28658375

Date of sale: 12.05.2019

Year: 2019

VIN: 1FATP8UH3K5159596

Condition: Run and Drive

Engine: 2.3L I4 N

Mileage: 827 miles (Actual)

Seller: Avis Budget Group

Documents: CLEAR (Florida)

Location: Orlando (FL)

Estimated Retail Value:

Transmission: Automatic

Body color: Blue

Drive: Rear Wheel Drive

Fuel: Gasoline

Keys: Present

Notes: Not specified

The good
The Ford Mustang Shelby GT350
It received updates to make it even quicker for 2019
CNBC | Mack Hogan
H/O: Ford Shelby Mustang G350 2


1FATP8UH3K5159596 Ford Mustang 2019 Blue 2.3L
1FATP8UH3K5159596 Ford Mustang 2019 Blue 2.3L
1FATP8UH3K5159596 Ford Mustang 2019 Blue 2.3L
1FATP8UH3K5159596 Ford Mustang 2019 Blue 2.3L
1FATP8UH3K5159596 Ford Mustang 2019 Blue 2.3L

العودة إلى ”الاستايلات [ ×.3.0 ]“

الموجودون الآن

المتصفحون للمنتدى الآن: لا يوجد أعضاء مسجلين متصلين و 15 زائرًا